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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of a website's user and customer data collection, use, disclosure, and management practices. It meets the legal requirement to protect a user's or customer's privacy.

Each country has its own laws, with different requirements in each jurisdiction regarding the use of privacy policies. Make sure you comply with the laws applicable to your activities and location.

In general, what should a privacy policy include?


  1. What kind of information do you collect?

  2. How do you collect information?

  3. Why do you collect this personal information?

  4. How do you store, use, share and disclose the personal information of your website visitors?

  5. What communication do you have with your website visitors (if any)?

  6. Does your service target and collect information about minors?

  7. Privacy Policy Updates

  8. Contact information

You can check this   Help Center article for more information on how to create a privacy policy.

The explanations and information provided here are for general explanations, information and examples only. You should not consider this article as legal advice or as a recommendation on what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to understand and develop your privacy policy.

Dr. Jeffry Romero Certified Bariatric Surgeon in Tijuana
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